AP 345

Student Use of Personal Digital Devices in Schools


The District recognizes the capacity within particular new and future technologies, and their educated use, to create opportunities for many constructive and positive applications that can aid the learning in a school or classroom environment. Students can use these technologies to create digital content, to communicate, to collaborate and share, and to access apps and tools that may enrich their thinking and learning. Additionally, some regulated use of personal digital devices in the school and community may contribute to the safety and security of students and staff. The District also recognizes that unregulated use of such devices may pose a risk to personal safety; may disrupt instruction; may invade personal privacy, and may compromise academic integrity. 


  1. Definitions

    1.1 Personal digital devices referred to in this administrative procedure include, but are not limited to, cell phones, smartphones, tablet computers, smartwatches and portable video game systems that can be used to communicate or access the internet
    1.2 Hours of instruction is defined as hours in which students of the school receive instruction in an educational program. (School Regulation)

  2. Students
    2.1 Without the permission of the school administrator / teacher, personal digital devices are not to be operated during regularly scheduled hours of instruction or during any school-sponsored activity, such as an assembly or talk by a guest speaker.
    2.1.1 Personal digital devices are to be placed in silent mode during instructional time and school-sponsored activities. 
    2.1.2 Personal digital devices are not taken into test or examination settings unless students have been given permission to do so by the teacher administering the test or exam.
    2.1.3 Personal digital devices are not to be used in settings such as change rooms, washrooms, or private counselling rooms that have the potential to violate a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy.
    2.1.4 Use of personal digital devices during non-instructional periods (breaks and lunch) and while being transported on a school bus, should be restricted to the access of information related to school or home communication. Elementary students should not access personal digital devices during non-instructional periods (breaks and lunch). Middle and secondary students should have restricted access, outlined in the school expectations and school’s Code of Conduct.
    2.1.5 Students who bring personal digital devices to school are expected to comply with all parts of Policy 15 – Student Code of Conduct, which includes non-instructional periods (breaks and lunch). Students who consistently refuse to comply with the District’s procedures for using personal digital devices in the school setting may be subject to disciplinary measures detailed in the school’s Code of Conduct and the steps outlined in Administrative Procedure 333 – Student Suspensions. 
    2.1.6 In the event of an emergency, personal digital devices should be put away until an “all clear” is given by administrators.  If it is a lockdown, all personal digital devices must also be turned off (see Emergency Standard Operating Procedures).  
    2.1.7 The security and storage of personal digital devices are the sole responsibility of the owner/user. The District assumes no responsibility for the safety, security, loss, repair or replacement of personal digital devices.
    2.1.8 Consent is required to access district communication and digital services through their personal digital devices (see AP 334).
  3. Teachers
    3.1 Some students will require the use of a personal digital device during instructional time for access to the learning environment or to achieve the outcomes of a learning experience. The following will be used as guidelines for the supervised use of personal digital devices during instructional time in schools.

    3.1.1 For medical, health or accessibility reasons.  The plan for use by these students should be documented in their IEP, student support or medical/health plan, and these plans must be shared and communicated with the teacher.  No student shall be denied access to their personal digital device for these reasons.
    3.1.2 For instructional purposes that are appropriate for the student’s age and developmental stage. This should be focused on the development of a student’s digital literacy and connected to curricular standards and competencies appropriate for a student or group of students. Instruction and guidance will be provided by the teacher around the appropriate and responsible use of devices by students.
    3.1.3 For equity of access to learning outcomes. In situations where a student may not have access to personal digital devices or internet outside of school, a teacher may support that student by facilitating access during school hours to complete schoolwork or foster connections with peers.

  4. School Administrators
    4.1 School administrators will be responsible for communicating with staff, students, and parents the restrictions of personal digital devices during hours of instruction in a school setting including school sponsored activities, such as an assembly or talk by a guest speaker. This communication should include statements around limits to the use of personal digital devices at times when students should be focused on participating in educational programs.
    4.1.1 Clear expectations should be communicated through a school’s code of conduct and other relevant school documentation to the student body and parent community.
    4.1.2 All staff should have access to the relevant information and resources needed to support the appropriate and responsible use of personal digital devices by students. 
    4.1.3 School procedures should be in place and communicated to mitigate or address any situations of the misuse of personal digital devices that impact the safety and well-being of students or the learning environment.


AP 334-1 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – Consent Form


AP 325 Student Safety
AP 333 Student Suspension
AP 334 Acceptable Use of Digital Technology
Board Policy 15, Student Code of Conduct
Assessment of Risk to Others – Emergency Standard Operating Procedures

Last Revised: June 2024
